The final program can be found at here.
- Mon. (9th)
- Tue. (10th)
- Wed. (11th)
- Thu. (12th)
- Fri. (13th)
- Sat. (14th)
- Mon. (16th)
- Tue. (17th)
- Wed. (18th)
- Thu. (19th)
- Fri. (20th)
First week
Monday (July 9th)
09:00-10:30 Common opening session & group photo
11:00-12:30 Neutrino physics - Introduction & first 50 years
A 1/1 Yuichi Oyama
14:00-15:30 Standard Model & Neutrinos
B 1/2 Ky Nguyen
15:50-17:20 Student introduction
Tueday (July 10th)
08:30-10:00 Standard Model & Neutrino
B 2/2 Nguyen A. K.
10:20-11:50 Neutrino phenomenology
C 1/3 Boris Kayser
13:20-14:50 Introduction to neutrino event generator
D 1/1 Nguyen H. V.
15:10-16:40 Software training
Wednesday (July 11th)
08:30-10:00 Experimental neutrino physics concepts in a nutshell
E 1/1 Cao
10:20-11:50 Neutrino phenomenology
C 2/3 Boris Kayser
13:20-16:40 Hardware training
Nguyen M. T.
(Suzuki/Nguyen H. V.)
Thursday (July 12th)
08:30-10:00 From Kamiokande to T2K
F 1/3 Oyama
10:20-11:50 Neutrino phenomenology
C 3/3 Boris Kayser
13:20-16:40 Hardware training
Nguyen M. T.
(Suzuki/Nguyen H. V.)
Friday (July 13th)
08:30-10:00 From Kamiokande to T2K
F 2/3 Oyama
10:20-11:50 Radiation & Particle Detectors
G 1/2 Lang
Neutrino events at Super-Kamiokande
H 1/1 Miura
software training
Saturday (July 14th)
08:30-10:00 From Kamiokande to T2K
F 3/3 Oyama
10:20-11:50 Radiation & Particle Detectors
G 2/2 Lang
Second week
Monday (July 16th)
Tuesday (July 17th)
08:30-12:00 Attend Neutrino Symposium
13:00-14:30 Future neutrino experiments
I 1/1 Suzuki
15:10-16:40 Attend Neutrino Symposium
Wednesday (July 18th)
08:30-10:00 Solar neutrino experiments
J 1/1 Guillaume Pronost
10:20-11:50 Ultra-high energy neutrinos
K 1/1 Phuoc Ha
Thursday (July 19th)
08:30-10:30 Attend Neutrino Symposium
10:50-11:50 Short baseline neutrino experiments
L 1/1 Rachel Carr
Exercise (prepare for final presentation)