This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Hardware camp 2025
Period: Mar. 2 - 8, 2025 (Mar. 2 is an arrival date; Mar. 3 is the first day of the hardware camp). We expect students to check in the arranged hotel by Mar. 2 and check out by morning of Mar. 98. If you need extra time (due to the flight schedule for example) please let us know.
Form to fill the arrival/departure
Place: Neutrino Lab, ICISE center, 07 Science Avenue, Ghenh Rang ward, Qui Nhon city, Vietnam; Google map
Hotel: Hai Au - Bien Cuong;
Google map
Address: 08 Bien Cuong, Ngo May, Qui Nhon city
- Son Cao,, phone 0373816368
- Quyen Phan,, phone 0393326933
- Sang Truong,, phone 0933935941
Slack Join Slack for further questions, discussion, grouping
1. Timetables and connection
To-be-updated Move to the week of Mar. 3-9, 2024
Zoom connection To-be-updated
Slides upload Please use or send
Photo album: TBA
2. General Logistics
- Get breakfast at the hotel
- 7:30 Bus from hotel to ICISE
- 12:00 - 13:30: Lunch at ICISE and break
- 17:30-18:30 Dinner at ICISE and break
- 18:30 Bus from ICISE center to hotel
Other notes
- Temperature is somewhat between 20 to 30 degree
- Local people go to beach already and you can too, please prepare the swim suit or the like
3.Safety and equipment handling
General rules for safety
Safety is paramount in an experimental physics lab. By following these safety rules, you can help to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone!
- Do NOT Eat, Smoke, apply Cosmetics inside, Drink at DESIGNATED places. (all liquid must be in CLOSED bottle).
- CLEAN up any spill immediately.
- Do NOT STORE things which can contaminate the lab (eg. food, sweet…)
- Do NOT TAKE AWAY any equipment/book or ADD new ones without permission
- NO BARE foot, DRY indoor slipper only (avoiding the electronic shock).
- If you find something unsafe, REPORT it to your instructor.
- DISPOSE of all waste materials properly.
- REPORT all accidents and injuries to your instructor immediately.
- Use lab’s PC
- Do NOT turn off the PC
- Do NOT install or remove package/software without permission.
- Turn OFF the PC display to save power when unused
Electrical Hazards
- REFRAIN from charging your phone/tablet and other electric devices inside of the lab.
- Be AWARE of different types of electric currents (AC 220V, AC 110V, DC…). ALWAY check the equipment’s electric tolerant (eg. input is AC 110 or 220) before use it.
- CHECK carefully new circuit (either newly purchased or soldered ) with multimeter and TEST with low voltage before activate it with high voltage
- NEVER TOUCH live electrical equipment.To check the equipment/circuit, turn off the power.
- DO NOT use the devices which you are not familiar with
- Work with photodetector (PMT and siPM):
- It’s very sensitive, fragile, and expensive. Handle with much care. No bare hand touch on the active area of sensor. Only trained students can be used.
- Do NOT explore it to normal light when it is activated. The photosensor can be broken
- Understand the photosensor specification and apply appropriate voltage
Mechanical hazards
- DON’t touch or MOVE tables with experimental setup without consulting without permission
- Do not place your experimental setup near the edge of the table.
- Students must be trained to use
- Soldering station
- Drill machine
- Use protection goggles when using drill machine or soldering station
- Handle scintillator, wavelength shifting fibers, optical fibers with gloves. Do not explore them to UV light for long time. Do not bend too much.
Laser and UV hazards
- Be careful when using lasers. Never look directly into the beam of a laser.
- Must notify others before using laser
- Be careful with reflected light of the laser
- Know the UV wavelength and be aware of its hazards. Do not shine UV light on your skin, you eyes
4. Reading materials
Most of the books are available at ICISE. Feel free to read but DO NOT Take out of the lab without permission
- MPPC technical note
- “Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-to Approach”, W. R. Leo
- Detectors for particle radiation, Konral Kleinknec
- Particle detectors, Grupen
- Cosmic rays and particle physics
- Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physicists, Louis Lyons
5. Software preparation
If you have already known, it's great. If not, try to install before coming to the hardware camp
- For driving and manipulating the LED
- For detector simulation (plastic scintillator, etc…) Geant4 and g4beamline
- For data analysis ROOT for analysis
- Customized DAQ basing on the Siglent Oscilloscope (available at ICISE)
- DRS4 for charge integration?