Institute For Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Education
ICISE center, Quy Nhon, VN.
PANDA: Neutrino Detector for Reactor Monitor
Date/time: June 10th, 2021, 9:00-10:30 GMT+7 (VN timezone)
Assi. Prof. Tomoyuki Konno, Kitasato Univ., JP
Nuclear power plant is an intelligent artificial source of anti-electron neutrinos.
In a commercial reactor of 3 GWth, neutrinos of 10 to the power of 20 per second
are produced among the beta-decay chain of the fission product. The production
rate and spectrum are well known as a function of ratio among the fuel nuclides.
Therefore, the reactor originated anti-electron neutrino (reactor neutrino) is much
useful not only for neutrino science but also for safeguard of reactor nuclear power.
There are many activities of developments reactor neutrino detectors over the world.
The PANDA (Plastic Anti-electron Neutrino Detector Array) is a project of reactor
neutrino monitor in Japan. The detector is made of 10 x 10 of the organic plastic
scintillator bars with a total weight of 1 ton as the target of inverse beta decay
interaction and the calorimeter of the emitted positron. We carried out a measurement
of reactor neutrino at the Ohi reactor power plant at Fukui, Japan, in 2019 and
175.8±34.4 events of the neutrino signals are observed by a comparison of the
reactor ON and OFF periods.
In this talk, we introduce basics of reactor monitoring with neutrino and the
activities of the reactor neutrino detectors. Then, we discuss the PANDA results
and future.
Reading material
- Reactor antineutrino monitoring with a plastic scintillator array as a new safeguards method
- Neutrino Detectors for National Security
Meeting ID: 848 8413 8417 / Passcode: 536920
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Contact/Event moderator
Asso. Prof. Van Nguyen, IOP, VAST and Dr. Son Cao, IFIRSE for more information
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