Table of Contents

Team C - PMT (to-be-updated)

Group members:

Mentor: Dr. Son Cao

Metal-package PMT module: H6780-1 / backup H10721-110 (newly purchased, using for O-BLM and for other research)

Side note:

Three main objectives

Details of measurements

  1. PMT/MPPC characteristics, focusing on the noise/ rising time and falling time
    • PMT at different level (but what is the level of single photon)? Can we identify it?
    • For MPPC, noise rate at different threshold (.5PE, 1.5PE, 2.5PE) with different operation voltage 56V, 57V, 58V
      • Due to some electric RF noise, we may want to operate at higher voltage to get more gain, allowing us to set up higher threshold to remove the electric RF noise
    • Rising time and falling time measurement: it's better with LED, to reduce the effect of the electric noise
    • Sensitivity: lower down the light intensity
    • Dynamic range: increasing the light intensity and measure the intensity
  2. Spectra measurement of the white LED
    1. Observe with diffraction grating with high intensity/ take photo with camera (eg. smartphone)
    2. Measure with different LED setting with three setup of optical filter
      1. No filter
      2. FGL400nm
      3. FGL455nm
      4. FGL570nm
  3. Cosmic ray measurement

Important notes

Allocated hardwares
