Group members:
Pham Phuong Anh
Ho Huy Ngoc Khue
Mudit Kumar
Tran Hai Nam
Vuong Uy Luc
Mentor: Dr. Son Cao
Metal-package PMT module: H6780-1 / backup H10721-110 (newly purchased, using for O-BLM and for other research)
Voltage apply (tested) ~ 14V (range 11.5V to 15.5V)
Gain driving (<1V)/ tested 0.9V
Peak wavelength sensitivity is around 400nm
Side note:
One PMT seems more noise than the other
Some issues when powering both PMTs at the sametime? For operating one PMT, with voltage apply of 14.4V, gain control of 0.9, the returned current is 0.03A if using one PMT, and 0.06A if using two PMT