MPPC characteristics (noise, noice coincidence, electric gain)
Speed of light in the optical fibers/ Concept of TOF. We need to use very fast optical pulsing for this measurement to get more precise measurement. Will try to use LED-driven Beacon to get a pulse in ~ 2-4ns width
Cosmic ray muons: rate, and light yield, and at different zenith angle?
Allocated hardwares
Oscilloscope for signal recording and digitalized
It is connected via Ethernet and allowed to remote control from a PC
PC (IFIRSE #5, Ubuntu) is allocated
4 pieces of single MPPC
Circuit board to be soldered by students, to provide voltage and get the signals
For LED Beacon, need other DC PS and Analog Discovery as function/waveform generator for trigger
Plastic scintillator (2.5cm (width) x 25cm (length) x1.27cm (thickness)) and wavelength shifting fiber (0.9cm diameter)
Optical fiber beam splitter Thorlabs TT200R5F1A
Some things about MPPC
Some advantages
Low operation voltage (~53V - 70V)
High multiplication ratio (gain) (~106)
High photon detection efficiency (up to ~50% at peak sensitivity wavelength)
Fast response (a few nanoseconds) and good time resolution
Wide spectral response range (wavelength ~270nm - 900nm)
Not affected by magnetic fields
Highly resistant to mechanical shocks, and does not suffer by incident light saturation
Some operation features
The structures of all the pixels in an MPPC are the same and every pixel consists of an avalanche photodiode and a quenching resistor
When one photon comes to a pixel in the MPPC, it will produce one pulse
If more than one photon are detected by different pixels at the same time, the MPPC output will be a pulse which is a superimposed of the output pulses of those pixels
The output of a pixel is always one pulse and it does not depend on the number of photons coming to the pixel at the same time