Table of Contents

Hardware camp 2025

Period: Mar. 2 - 8, 2025 (Mar. 2 is an arrival date; Mar. 3 is the first day of the hardware camp). We expect students to check in the arranged hotel by Mar. 2 and check out by morning of Mar. 98. If you need extra time (due to the flight schedule for example) please let us know.

Form to fill the arrival/departure

Place: Neutrino Lab, ICISE center, 07 Science Avenue, Ghenh Rang ward, Qui Nhon city, Vietnam; Google map

Hotel: Hai Au - Bien Cuong;
Google map
Address: 08 Bien Cuong, Ngo May, Qui Nhon city


Slack Join Slack for further questions, discussion, grouping

1. Timetables and connection

To-be-updated Move to the week of Mar. 2-8, 2025

Zoom connection Meeting ID: 947 3112 0246 Passcode: 795862

Slides upload Please use or send

Photo album:

2. General Logistics

  1. Get breakfast at the hotel
  2. 7:30 Bus from hotel to ICISE
  3. 12:00 - 13:30: Lunch at ICISE and break
  4. 17:30-18:30 Dinner at ICISE and break
  5. 18:30 Bus from ICISE center to hotel

Other notes

3.Safety and equipment handling

General rules for safety

Safety is paramount in an experimental physics lab. By following these safety rules, you can help to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone!

Electrical Hazards

Mechanical hazards

Laser and UV hazards

4. Reading materials

Most of the books are available at ICISE. Feel free to read but DO NOT Take out of the lab without permission

5. Software preparation

If you have already known, it's great. If not, try to install before coming to the hardware camp