====== Hardware camp 2025 ======
**Period**: Mar. 2 - 8, 2025 (Mar. 2 is an arrival date; Mar. 3 is the first day of the hardware camp). We expect students to check in the arranged hotel by Mar. 2 and check out by morning of Mar. 98. If you need extra time (due to the flight schedule for example) please let us know.
**Form to fill the arrival/departure** [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DsWpMhB2LDGq1QN5cE3oX1aG3r2LniMcxk9nHuNFATs/edit?usp=sharing]]
**Place**: Neutrino Lab, ICISE center, 07 Science Avenue, Ghenh Rang ward, Qui Nhon city, Vietnam; Google map [[https://goo.gl/maps/ZcYjJRde8uAb45kf6]]
**Hotel**: Hai Au - Bien Cuong; \\
Google map [[https://goo.gl/maps/bUHjyKWvRvANCQGR9]] \\
Address: 08 Bien Cuong, Ngo May, Qui Nhon city
* Son Cao, cvson@ifirse.icise.vn, phone 0373816368
* Quyen Phan, phantoquyen@ifirse.icise.vn, phone 0393326933
* Sang Truong, ttsang.phys@gmail.com, phone 0933935941
Join Slack for further questions, discussion, grouping
===== 1. Timetables and connection=====
Move to the week of Mar. 2-8, 2025
**Zoom connection** https://zoom.us/j/94731120246?pwd=epWtcZoylbjb88dYbJESXSsbfUtEjC.1
Meeting ID: 947 3112 0246
Passcode: 795862
**Slides upload**
Please use [[https://ifirse.icise.vn/nugroup/hardwarecamp/upload.html]] or send [[cvson@ifirse.icise.vn]]
Photo album: [[https://photos.app.goo.gl/oqsU8UBrzVPxkJiCA|https://photos.app.goo.gl/oqsU8UBrzVPxkJiCA]]
===== 2. General Logistics =====
- Get breakfast at the hotel
- 7:30 Bus from hotel to ICISE
- 12:00 - 13:30: Lunch at ICISE and break
- 17:30-18:30 Dinner at ICISE and break
- 18:30 Bus from ICISE center to hotel
==== Other notes ====
* Temperature is somewhat between 20 to 30 degree
* Local people go to beach already and you can too, please prepare the swim suit or the like
===== 3.Safety and equipment handling=====
==== General rules for safety ====
Safety is paramount in an experimental physics lab. By following these safety rules, you can help to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone!
* Do NOT Eat, Smoke, apply Cosmetics inside, Drink at DESIGNATED places. (all liquid must be in CLOSED bottle).
* CLEAN up any spill immediately.
* Do NOT STORE things which can contaminate the lab (eg. food, sweet…)
* Do NOT TAKE AWAY any equipment/book or ADD new ones without permission
* NO BARE foot, DRY indoor slipper only (avoiding the electronic shock).
* If you find something unsafe, REPORT it to your instructor.
* DISPOSE of all waste materials properly.
* REPORT all accidents and injuries to your instructor immediately.
* Use lab’s PC
* Do NOT turn off the PC
* Do NOT install or remove package/software without permission.
* Turn OFF the PC display to save power when unused
=== Electrical Hazards ===
* REFRAIN from charging your phone/tablet and other electric devices inside of the lab.
* Be AWARE of different types of electric currents (AC 220V, AC 110V, DC…). ALWAY check the equipment’s electric tolerant (eg. input is AC 110 or 220) before use it.
* CHECK carefully new circuit (either newly purchased or soldered ) with multimeter and TEST with low voltage before activate it with high voltage
* NEVER TOUCH live electrical equipment.To check the equipment/circuit, turn off the power.
* DO NOT use the devices which you are not familiar with
* Work with photodetector (PMT and siPM):
* It’s very sensitive, fragile, and expensive. Handle with much care. No bare hand touch on the active area of sensor. Only trained students can be used.
* Do NOT explore it to normal light when it is activated. The photosensor can be broken
* Understand the photosensor specification and apply appropriate voltage
=== Mechanical hazards ===
* DON’t touch or MOVE tables with experimental setup without consulting without permission
* Do not place your experimental setup near the edge of the table.
* Students must be trained to use
* Soldering station
* Drill machine
* Use protection goggles when using drill machine or soldering station
* Handle scintillator, wavelength shifting fibers, optical fibers with gloves. Do not explore them to UV light for long time. Do not bend too much.
=== Laser and UV hazards ===
* Be careful when using lasers. Never look directly into the beam of a laser.
* Must notify others before using laser
* Be careful with reflected light of the laser
* Know the UV wavelength and be aware of its hazards. Do not shine UV light on your skin, you eyes
===== 4. Reading materials =====
**Most of the books are available at ICISE**. Feel free to read but DO NOT Take out of the lab without permission
* MPPC technical note [[https://ifirse.icise.vn/nugroup/docs/hardware/mppc_kapd9005e-4.pdf]]
* “Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-to Approach”, W. R. Leo [[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-57920-2]]
* [[https://www-physics.lbl.gov/~spieler/USPAS-MSU_2012/index.html|Lecture Notes - Semiconductor Detectors, Helmuth Spieler]]
* Detectors for particle radiation, Konral Kleinknec
* Particle detectors, Grupen
* Cosmic rays and particle physics
* Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physicists, Louis Lyons
===== 5. Software preparation =====
If you have already known, it's great. If not, try to install before coming to the hardware camp
* For driving and manipulating the LED
* Arduino [[https://www.arduino.cc/en/software]]
* Analog discovery [[https://digilent.com/shop/analog-discovery-2-100ms-s-usb-oscilloscope-logic-analyzer-and-variable-power-supply/]]
* For detector simulation (plastic scintillator, etc...) Geant4 [[https://geant4.web.cern.ch]] and g4beamline [[https://www.muonsinc.com/Website1/G4beamline]]
* For data analysis ROOT [[https://root.cern]] for analysis
* Customized DAQ basing on the Siglent Oscilloscope (available at ICISE)
* DRS4 for charge integration? [[https://www.psi.ch/en/drs/software-download]]